Saturday, January 5, 2008

Roti nan rosbif

Roti nan disapu mayonis, lapisan rosbif, dan atas sekali keju swiss.. grill dalam oven sampai kekuningan.. best gila...


sarahmirza said...

Best Chibi. Harus gue ke mari lagi cilok resepi kat sini, mudah lagi nak masak mcm ini dari masak kari, asam pedas segala. Bg gue la..*smile*

Lee said...

Hi Chibi, I love this. First time seeing one like this too.
I think 2 pieces will do me fine, ha ha.
You have fun and keep warm. Au revoir, Lee.

rose said...


chibimoruku said...


i was a silent reader before you privatekan your blog, so sad. tried to look for your email but can't find it. can you add my email address pretty please? It's farah.adlin[at]

thanks :)